How to Build a Blooming Social Media Presence to Grow Your Business

Santam Naha
8 min readOct 26, 2021
Image credit Pixabay

Social media marketing is a great way to boost your business. But if you don’t get it right, the whole thing will be a waste of time and money. This article should help you build a social media presence that will attract followers and drive traffic to your profile or website.

Every one of us must have heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out.” It means that one can’t expect to get anything useful from a computer program if he inputs faulty or incorrect data.

The same principle applies to social media marketing. If you want your social media presence to grow your business, you need to make sure the information on your social media channels is top-notch and professional.

A social media presence involves much more than just writing something related to your industry and hoping people will buy your products or services as a result. It would be best if you put a lot of effort into building a thriving social media presence.

It cannot be done on a whim or will become successful with a few days of effort. It’s a long-term project and requires commitment and persistence.

Following are some effective and proven ways to build a successful social media presence for your business.

- Tell people what you offer.

Would you buy something from someone without knowing what they were selling? Probably not. Don’t expect your followers to be interested in your business if you don’t tell them what you do.

Please give them a clear-cut idea of your products and what you expect people to get out of using them. Be detailed about the benefits that come with using your product or service. They can view it, download it or take advantage of it in some way.

- Keep it simple.

You don’t need to make your post sound like an ad. What you need is to get your message across to your followers in an interesting way. For example, you might use words like “handmade,” “reliable,” or “incredible.”

Although these words are not huge selling points on their own, they can be great lead magnets if you use them in conjunction with an important message.

- Know your customers.

What are your customers looking for on social media? What are their interests? Use this information to tailor your posts to match their needs. When you are ready to post, have a good idea of what you are going to say.

Once you have some followers, try putting out a call for questions or comments every so often. That shows that you are willing to answer questions and give people a chance to interact with you.

- Make it easy for people to find you.

You don’t want to set up an account to “settle” for a few followers. Instead, you want as many as possible, particularly those likely to buy from you or find your site useful.

It is also wise to back up posts with web links so people can return and check out the rest of what you have to say about your business. Consider using tags for categories of information if you can’t separate them into different posts.

- Fill out your profile the right way.

Filling out your profile the right way means keeping it simple and interesting while avoiding spelling or grammatical errors. Try to put up an introductory paragraph that mentions your business and why people should be interested in the demographics of your customers (e.g., age, income, etc.). Otherwise, people will scroll past your profile without mentioning it at all.

You can say what you do in a few sentences or offer a brief description of your services in pictures. Keep posts short and punchy if you want more comments.

- Hire a professional to design your logo.

You can do this yourself, but you might end up with something that looks wacky or just plain terrible to look at. That’s why it’s best to hire a professional company that specializes in designing these things. These companies usually charge a small fee for a huge result.

- Be authentic.

Don’t try to portray yourself as something you’re not. People interested in your products or services are not interested in hearing about everything unrelated to your business.

There is no need to pretend to be someone you’re not. If you are an information-based person, give people all the information they want. If you are a storyteller, give them a good story. Just make sure that the data is useful and relevant to your business.

- Respond to criticism and compliments.

You will get both of these things on your social media accounts. You might even get spam or hate mail. The best thing to do is to be courteous and professional, but not to take things personally.

Use negative comments as an opportunity to improve your services or products. If someone compliments you, thank them for helping you grow your business.

- Don’t rely too much on automation.

When you have a lot to do, it’s tempting to automate certain aspects of your social media presence. If you do this, remember that people are not robots. They will be aware when they are being fed something that has been per-tested and programmed to attract them.

Some will be more interested than others, but most are looking for meaningful interaction with real human beings. If you come across as being too robotic, they will lose interest quickly.

- Look at your stats regularly.

Looking at your stats is how you can figure out what’s working and what’s not. It’s also how you will know when people find your content interesting enough to share with their followers. Regular checking of stats will also allow you to find out when something is not working.

- Create engaging videos.

Videos are much easier to watch than text-heavy profiles, so they are important for getting people interested in your services or products. Videos might also act as an excellent lead magnet.

When someone sees your video, they might be more inclined to take action, such as clicking to opt-in for your newsletter or filling out a form to request information about what you do.

- Update the information on your profile regularly and stay active.

Make sure you have good content. You don’t have to change what you post all the time, but you do need to make sure it’s relevant and up-to-date. Otherwise, people might decide to unfollow your account or avoid following you in the future.

It’s important to post regularly on your social media pages on some accounts at least once a week. Doing it more often makes it more likely that people will respond to your posts or find them interesting enough to share with their friends and family. It’s also good if you can do this organically, instead of posting about something every hour on the hour.

- Link your social media sites together.

People who like your Facebook page will also see what you’re up to on Twitter and Instagram when you do this. There are many different ways to link these accounts together.

One of the simplest is to have a button on your website that can take people to any of your social media accounts without having to go through the process of signing up for an account anew on each channel. You can also use plugins or widgets that link everything together seamlessly on every single page on your site.

- Use social media for more than just a marketing tool.

It’s easy to see the power of social media as a marketing weapon. If you use social media as a tool for marketing, then it does its job well.

However, if you want your social media presence to be an important part of your business or even a core element, you need to move beyond the idea that this is just a marketing tool. It can be a huge support network for your business, but it takes effort on your part to make it work right.

- Don’t be afraid of trying new things.

It’s often easy to get stuck in a rut with social media. The same content is recycled repeatedly, and the same tactics are used to help generate growth. However, you can’t be successful with social media if you aren’t willing to try out new ideas.

Even people out there use social media in an opposite way from what most would consider traditional marketing. If a certain strategy works for them, you don’t have to try it on your own business right away. You can always try it out and see if it works for you before going all out on it.

- Make friends with the right people in your industry.

Making friends with the right people in your industry is the best way to gain access to whatever you want to hear. You never know what might come out of that conversation. Even if you don’t get any useful information out of it, that person might just become someone who helps promote your business somehow.

There are also many other benefits to having these types of connections in one’s network, such as boosting your credibility and influence or providing extra value when it comes time for them to refer you to someone else.

- Don’t forget your opt-in forms for newsletters, special offers, and other content.

Social media accounts are great for generating leads and getting things such as newsletter sign-ups. However, you may want to invest in other types of tools that can do this and give you the ability to measure the success of your campaigns. There may be platforms out there that can help you do this more effectively than others.

- Keep up with new trends.

You might think that social media marketing is not a new business trend, but it’s evolving all the time if you think about it. The same goes for what people expect from social media marketing.

This is why it’s important to keep up with new trends and changes in online marketing. You should also take into account what people want from their social media profiles themselves, as this will inform your approach to the whole process of making your profile pages relevant for you and others.

- Try to have a presence on all social media platforms.

The more social media platforms you have a presence on, the bigger your audience will be. For example, one small business might have a big audience on Pinterest, but nowhere else.

This means that they’re probably missing out on a large number of potential customers. A business that has a large audience on all social media channels will have a much wider reach.

- Don’t just focus on growing your social media presence by ignoring your business.

You may think that social media marketing is all about having fun and interacting with people on your site. This is true, but you also need to spend some time thinking about the business aspect of the whole thing.

Many businesses fail because their social media presence fails to match what people would expect from a successful business, which cannot be ignored if you want to build a following and create a loyal customer base.

Final Thoughts

Social media marketing can be a rewarding experience for any business that chooses to participate. However, some companies are still getting it wrong. By following the above steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a great social media presence for your business.

Remember, it’s not about the number of followers you have but the quality of your interactions. It’s like a personalized endorsement of something that visitors can recognize and recognize them too. Otherwise, why anyone should listen to what you’re trying to say.



Santam Naha

I’m Santam Naha. I’ve been in the field of IT/ Web Development for almost 17 yrs now. HIGH QUALITY CONTENT WRITING is the area that I’m really passionate about.